WCSJ2013 is an excellent opportunity for exhibitors wishing to engage with the international media in the field of science journalism.

One of the WCSJ2013 main exhibition areas will be located in the lobby of the Porthania Building, in the proximity of the registration desk and several coffee break areas that will be set up for the duration of the conference. (Image: Adolfo Vera)
The remaining number of exhibition stands is very limited, and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis, so be sure to book your exhibition stand as soon as possible.
Exhibition contact:
Confedent International Ltd
Aleksanterinkatu 44 A
00100 Helsinki
Phone: +358 9 58409 350
E-mail: [email protected]
VAT: FI1965791-1
Stand reservations must be made through the official web reservation form:
Click here to reserve→
Please note that some stands are being sold as part of official sponsorship packages, but may be released for sale at a later date.
Exhibition Schedule
Definitive times for opening hours and various deadlines will be confirmed in the Exhibitor’s Kit sent out to exhibitors who have a confirmed booking. However, the following schedule provides a guideline.
Setting up of stands
Monday, 24 June 14:00 – 18:00
Exhibition opening times
Tuesday, 25 June 08:30 – 16:00
Wednesday, 26 June 08:30 – 16:00
Thursday, 27 June 08:30 – 16:00
Dismantling of stands
Thursday, 27 June 16:00 – 18:00
All structures, furniture, carpets etc. included in the exhibition packages or ordered in advance will already be in place. The Exhibitors are responsible for bringing their own decorations, furniture, materials etc. to the stands during the set up time.
Additional furniture, decorations, plants etc. can be ordered from the exhibition builder. Order forms will be included in the Exhibitor’s kit.
More detailed information regarding your exhibition stand will be sent in the Exhibitor’s kit.
Exhibition packages
Please note that some packages are not any more available.
Stand package, € 5000, includes:
- 6 m2 floor space- pearl grey profile walls
- fascia on open sides
- 1 logo or name with black basic letters
- felt carpet (20 colour options)
- electricity with one socket (three outlets, capacity max 0,5 kW)
- 3 halogen spot lights (behind the fascia)
- 3 exhibitor badges for the duration of the conference
- coffee breaks as indicated in the conference programme
Small package, € 2500, includes:
- pearl grey profile wall, visible area 95 x 210 cm
- 1 sliding door cabinet/desk (95x40x91 cm)
- 1 bar stool
- 2 exhibitor badges for the duration of the conference
- coffee breaks as indicated in the conference programme
Exhibition prices do not include VAT as the conference has been exempted from VAT by the Finnish Tax Administration.
Payment information
On receipt of the completed order form, an invoice for 100 % of the price for the rented space will be issued.
Terms of payment: All payments must be received before the start of the conference. Should the Exhibitor fail to complete payments prior to the commencement of the conference, the organiser will be entitled to cancel the reservation while cancellation will be subjected to cancellation fees.
The organisers reserve the right to grant or deny permission to exhibit.
Exhibitor registration
All Exhibitors are required to register for the conference and will receive an exhibitor badge displaying the exhibiting company’s name. Exhibitor badges will be given according to the package booked. Any additional exhibitor badges will be charged an exhibitor registration fee of € 100.
Access to conference sessions are not included in exhibitor badges. Should Exhibitors wish to participate in the official programmme sessions, they must register to the conference as participants.
Cancellations/terminations of contract must be received, in writing, by Confedent International Ltd.
Following the conclusion of the contract, and in exchange for payment of a cancellation fee equal to 25 % of the contractually agreed total amount, the Company shall be entitled to cancel/terminate the contract until April 2, 2013. Once this deadline has passed, 100% of the contractually agreed total amount shall fall due.
This provision shall also be valid for contracts concluded on dates that are already past the cancellation/termination deadline.
Exhibitor conditions
Acceptance of application
The organisers reserve the right to decide, on the basis of internal criteria, whether or not to grant permission to firms that have expressed an interest in exhibiting. A claim to floor space at the exhibition site, therefore, is valid only after the potential exhibitor’s application has been accepted by the organisers. The applicant is accordingly requested to include a brief description of all the products that the applicant intends to present during the conference. This information is binding and is a precondition for permission to participate in the exhibition.
Events organised by Exhibitors
The organisation of any kind of science and journalism-related meetings (e.g. courses, forums, workshops, press conferences) under the WCSJ2013 brand within a range of 50 km of the conference during and within one week before and after the conference is not permitted by the Conference Organisers.
Exhibitors interested in organising a satellite and/or ancillary event during WCSJ2013 are invited to explore the Sponsorship opportunities available and to get in touch with the Conference secretariat.
Advertising/Promotional activities
Any advertising or promotional activities by exhibitors are limited to their allocated stand space at the venue. Further advertising or promotional activities are strictly forbidden within a distance of 50 km around the conference location.
The conference organisers cannot accept liability for personal injuries sustained, for loss of, or damage to property belonging to exhibitors, either during or as a result of the conference.
Please check the validity of your company insurance policy.
Force majeure
The Conference organisation does not take the responsibility of force majeure reasons for cancellation of the event (natural disaster, outbreak of a severe contagious epidemic, major strikes etc.). In such a case, the WCSJ2013 Organising Committee will decide upon the refunding of paid exhibition fees.